Monday, November 29, 2010

A Penetrating Phrase

This time it wasn't a trip, but a very close person to me, let's call her Jane Doe, who decided to have a short travel to gather with her family.

Jane has always had a good life, thanks to the effort she has put into things with her husband, to maintain a united family through respect, ethics and fighting against conformism.

In Caracas - Venezuela, she found something that would change her way of looking at life totally, and I can say that the result is amazing, not only she has changed, but also her whole family, and little by little with example and perseverance in spite of the detractors, she achieves in helping more people find a new possibility in their lives. And, what is change, but another opportunity inside of us.

The fact that a person can see change as opportunity and another as a threat is personal and depends on the point of view, maturity and the consecuences that this change may bring to his/her life and envirnoment.

Nevertheless, returning to Jane. In her family gathering trip, she tried to express her new way of life, to her brothers, sisters and close family members, the benefits and virtues of change.

As it is well known about families or relationships between people, family or not, the first thing that happens is that you tell something, and the other person (as if it was a necessity) comments in a destructive way, for example: "That doesn't work, it's all fantasy", or "I know someone that does it better". I don't know if they do this because it makes them feel superior or they are trying to call our attention, of maybe because they are envious, but what may be the cause is not the reason of this post.

Between the destructive criticism, there was a very strong one that could kill anyone that has not enough mental discipline to resist it. This was: "The instrument that you gave me a year ago, which is supposed to make me rich, doesn't work and I am still poor".

Please, before you continue reading, take your time, and try to think of how would you feel if you, with the best intentions give thie instrument as a present to the other person so that he/she wears it as an amulet or adorn, and after a few months, they spit it in your face the way this person did.

Well, What happened? How did Jane Doe react to this devastating comment? Well, surprisingly with this penetrating phrase: "You have just made a great investment, built a house the way you like it, you have a prosperous family who can study in a private university, you are not unemployed, you have all your basic services covered, you can eat, and still... you consider yourself poor?"

Really, what Jane told me surprised me a lot. With this phrase, she basicly highlighted the real troubles of people who consider themselves POOR in the world. And it is this: They don't value what they have, even if they have all the physical richness they actually have, if in your mind you are POOR, then you will live POOR forever, because there is no worst poor man than that who has the resources to step ahead but prefers to criticize and complain about life.

Thanks Jane Doe, for telling me this experience, it was very useful, because it has opened my mind. I love you mom.


Anonymous said...

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Zaimanhi said...

Hello again,

Another good post! What she/you said is true. You have to appreciate what you have to be able to see your riches! If you are miserable no amount of money will make you rich!

Unknown said...

Thank you Anonymous :P I hope you continue to like this blog, and be sure that it will contain always a wide variety of thoughts and tools that can be used to improve our personal lives, or at least to open our eyes and mind, so we can clearly see what is happening and not just live with no reason.

Thank you Zaimanhi! You comments are always great! I am grateful that you liked this experience, I know it may not be literally true in some other countries, but if you catch the real message, it happens to ALL of us. :)

Anonymous said...

learned a lot